TTSC uses “Dutyman” software to assist with the management of duties. Please access Dutyman by going to the Members' page and log in with your password. You will see the Dutyman details in full.
If you would prefer to advise your duties by emailing a PDF form a copy can be found here. Please download and print the form, fill it in and scan and attach it to your email sending it to the Membership secretary at bob.elliott7@gmail.com
To assist in the programming of the duties, each member should complete one Saturday afternoon, one all-day Sunday duty and two Race duties. (Race duties only apply to those members who compete in published races). Wherever possible the Sailing Secretary will not allocate your two race duties in the same race series. It is appreciated that these dates may conflict with other commitments. If this is the case then please contact the Sailing Secretary who will be happy to help you.
It is helpful if you are able to complete a whole weekend of duties instead of a separate Saturday and Sunday.